Warrior King by Sue Purkiss

Warrior King by Sue Purkiss

Author:Sue Purkiss [Purkiss, Sue]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781406349344
Publisher: Walker Books Ltd
Published: 2013-03-07T00:00:00+00:00

Out of the Dark: February 878

THE NEXT DAY, when Ulric came in to make up the fire, Alfred stopped him.

“No,” he said. “Never mind that. I want you to find me my clothes, and then help me to get over to the main hut.”

Ulric’s face lit up. “My lord! You’re feeling better!”

“Yes indeed. A little shaky, but that will pass. As time is passing. So – if you can find me my tunic and trousers and boots, and if your shoulder’s strong enough for me to lean on, we’ll be off.”

Ulric beamed. He opened his mouth to say something, but then realized he had no idea what he should say. He had been in and out constantly throughout Alfred’s illness, tending to the fire, bringing food and drink, taking it away again – doing whatever Cerys and Fleda asked him to do. But this was the first time the king had been alert enough to speak to him.

Alfred raised a questioning eyebrow, and Ulric spluttered, “Yes, my lord! Right away, my lord!”

And soon they were outside in the winter sunlight. Alfred was leaning heavily on Ulric, and after a few steps, he paused and looked round, breathing deeply. It was less cold than it had been when they first arrived, but the dreary weather of the last few days had given way to a pale sun, and some of the distant meadows were pale with frost. Alfred gazed across the marches, enjoying the touch of the cool air on his face. Then his eyes narrowed, and he straightened up, wincing as he used muscles that had been idle for too long.

“Someone’s approaching the island,” he said tensely. “See that boat, over there, on the far side of the water?” Ulric had already drawn his knife from his belt, but Alfred touched his arm, calming him.

“It’s probably all right. Just Math, or someone from the village. All the same – where are the others?”

When they entered the main hut, Oswald, Erluin and the rest of the king’s thegns were sitting round the table eating breakfast and talking. Oswald was facing the door, and when he saw Ulric and Alfred in the doorway, his mouth dropped and his eyes widened. The others turned quickly to see the cause. For a moment, there was an astonished silence, and then everyone jumped up and spoke at once. But it was Oswald who reached the king first.

Alfred grinned. “Well, old friend. Nothing to say?”

Oswald dashed his hand roughly across his eyes, and cleared his throat.

“I’m not a poet. I don’t have a word hoard. But…” A huge grin spread over his face. “By all the saints, I’m glad to see you on your feet again!”

Alfred smiled. “No more than I am, believe me! But listen – someone is coming here.”

They were instantly grim-faced and alert, and while Oswald settled Alfred comfortably in the high-backed settle beside the fire, the others went outside. Soon Ricbert, who was noted for his keen eyesight, came back inside and reported that the visitors were Math and another man he didn’t recognize.


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